April 12, 2021
This is a guest post from freelancer Lucas Campbell. Read more freelance writer guest posts.
Lucas Campbell is a freelance SEO assistant. He is always looking for a new challenge that gives him the chance to develop and deliver the onsite and offsite SEO strategy. In his free time, he tries to help other struggling freelancers with his tips. His mission is to inspire others to live their dreams.
There is a world of opportunities waiting to be explored by freelancers with different skill sets. Being a freelancer gives you an incredible shot at exploring these circumstances. While this experience might turn out to be a calendar full of work (and good money!), it can also mean you don’t have enough time to work on those projects if they all hit at once. After a while, freelance productivity and efficiency are bound to drop if you don’t learn how to work faster and more efficiently. Finding a balance when juggling freelance work becomes even more difficult if you are a beginner freelance writer. This article will help you learn how to write faster. (Don’t forget to check out these article pitch examples to learn how to land writing assignments.)
One way to overcome working at a slow pace is to plan out what you are going to write when you get a freelance assignment. Your client should have already given you the topic; why not help yourself with an outline? Write a sample article headline and all the other subtopics you have to cover in the article. You could even write out the points you intend to discuss under each sub-topic. This reduces your need to pause frequently while writing to make your research and helps keep you focused on the writing task. You might want to run the article outline by the client to ensure you’re on the right track with the assignment. Get freelance writing tips to beat procrastination.
You should understand that working as a freelancer means you will constantly have to meet deadlines. In order to turn an article in on time every time and never miss a deadline, you need to develop a system that works and eliminates distractions. It could be as simple as turning on your computer and setting up a timer for when you should stop writing or finishing up with your writing piece before the coffee gets cold. Try not to multitask while writing so you can fully focus on the task at hand. Identify the things that distract you when you write—like text message notifications or social media—and remove those distractors or turn them off when it is time to write (BTW, here’s how to write an article pitch during your writing time.)
You need a clear head in order to be able to focus and be creative while you write. One freelance beginner tip that will help you make this happen is to have a specific place where you write. Not only will this help your brain focus, but it also helps you create a system around your writing. Your writing spot should be an environment you have control over, preferably with a door you can close if other people are at home while you’re writing. (You can find out where some freelancers choose to work – and more – in this freelancer FAQ.)
Beginner freelancers who want to work faster should leverage computer applications that will help you be a more productive freelancer. You should know some shortcuts for saving documents, correcting mistakes, sending files, and converting Word documents to a PDF. There are planning, writing, and editing apps you can download and work with to increase writing speed and reduce spelling and grammatical errors. Focus Writer, Scribus, Pro Writing Aid, and Grammarly are some examples of applications that benefit beginner freelance writers. (Look to these freelance writing tips to become an industry pro stat.)
What are your favorite tools for beginner freelance writers to write faster?
Tags: freelance, freelance writer, freelance writing, freelance writing tips, guest post, productivity, write faster
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