July 21, 2023 | Categories: Fitness, Health, Mental Health
Being mindful during exercise means concentrating on the task at hand; like going through a checklist in your head of your form while completing a movement—instead of thinking about your post-workout snack. Using mindful techniques in fitness while lifting weights or swinging a kettlebell can help prevent injury while ensuring that you’re executing the exercise with the proper technique.
1. Just breathe. Duh, you know you need to do this anyway, but you may be tempted to hold your breath during some exercises (or just be unconsciously doing so), especially while lifting heavy weights.
2. Get focused. Focusing on your physical body is just as important as the internal attention you’re mentally applying when you want to improve, according to Gabriele Wulf, Ph.D., a professor at the Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences at UNLV.
3. Focus on muscle contraction. Competitive athletes often apply external attentional focus (like we mentioned above) while executing specific intentional tasks, like powerlifting, maximizing jumping height, or improving the accuracy of a throw or swing.
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