January 8, 2017 | Categories: Fitness
If you don’t have a fitness wearable yet, chances are, you know someone who does. By 2020, IDC estimates that shipments of smart watches, fitness trackers and other wearable devices will reach 213.6 million devices, growing at an annual growth rate of 20.3%, according to the site, Wearable.com.
There are the traditional early adopters of technology who tend to be into fitness wearables first, says Albert H. Titus, Professor and Chair of Biomedical Engineering, University at Buffalo School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, The State University of New York. “But the other largest demographic of fitness wearables tends to be late 20-somethings through early 50-somethings who have an expendable income as well the desire and interest in doing using these,” he says. Professor Titus’ research focus is on designing, developing, and testing sensors that can be applied to wearable devices primarily for health related applications. He often works with small companies and start-up companies.
Here, he shares with us the positives of wearing fitness-tracking devices and what we might be able to expect with future versions of fitness wearables:
They can help you find daily motivation.
Using a fitness wearable device can help with daily tracking and the motivational aspects of reaching those numbers, so you know how much you’re walking, and if you are walking enough. “Wearables are a positive thing in terms of getting people motivated to say, ‘Okay, I should walk more. I want to reach my goal of 2,000 steps, 10,000 steps, or 50,000 steps today,’” says Professor Titus. “This prompts some people to be more active.”
They can help you improve your training.
Fitness wearables are great at simplifying the ability to track your progress, especially if you’re training for an event, have monthly mileage goals, or are striving to reach a certain heart rate during your workout. “This technology has made it a lot easier and much more practical to be able to reach your goals as you’re training,” says Professor Titus.
Technology improvements to look for in the future.
The annual Consumer Electronics Show happening in the Las Vegas the first week of January may bring some new technology improvements within this space. The improvements could be longer battery life, deeper trackability of certain movements (ie: swimming) and more accurate reporting across the board. We’re excited to be at CES this week to see what’s new in digital health.
Read the full article on LEVLNow.com.
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