Diana Kelly Levey

What to Eat If You’re Feeling Tired

Healthy Foods

May 16, 2023 | Categories: ,

After a night of tossing and turning, do you find yourself reaching for a muffin for Breakfast and sugary treats throughout the day? Don’t be so quick to blame poor self-control.

Research shows that we naturally seek sweets and foods high in carbohydrates for energy when sleep-deprived. On top of that, a night of poor sleep can leave your hunger hormones out of whack, tricking you into thinking you’re hungry even if you aren’t.

While those indulgent comfort foods may provide a short-term energy boost as your blood sugar spikes, the inevitable crash that follows will leave you feeling worse than before. However, Stanford researchers found that eating a wholesome diet the day after short sleep can help lessen those feelings of grogginess, irritability, and difficulty concentrating after a sleepless night.

The next time you find yourself facing a long day after an even longer night, opt for healthy, energizing meals—look to meals with good-for-you carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains) since they are the body’s primary source of energy —to reduce the effects of sleep deprivation. Here are some ideas for energizing meals to help you feel happy, fortified, and unstoppable—all day.

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