Diana Kelly Levey

The Best Blogs for Freelance Writers of 2024

woman reading blogs for freelancers on her laptop

July 12, 2024

Looking for the top blog posts freelance writers to read and follow to help build your business? This list of the best blogs for freelance writers is a great starting list when you want expert advice from freelancers and freelance writers.

If you’re considering freelance writing for blogs and thinking about becoming a freelance blogger, some of the following website for freelance writers are the best blogs for freelance writers that can be a source of inspiration.

Here are some of my favorite resources I enjoy reading for industry news, career advice, helpful articles and freelance skill-building tips.

The 12 Best Blogs for Freelance Writers of 2024

Add these website for freelance writers and blogs to your list of business-building blogs “to read later” and bookmark them so you can refer to them easily when you’re searching for the best blogs for freelance writers in 2024:

1. The Content Strategist by Contently

I’ve been using Contently’s website to find freelance content marketing jobs for over five years now and I subscribe to their blog to learn about the latest trends, SEO advice, strategy tips, and much more. I also subscribe to updates from The Freelance Creative by Contently where freelancers like myself pitch ideas about challenges other freelancers face, like determining rates, avoiding burnout, and fresh marketing tips to apply to your freelance business. They also post gigs for freelancers with specialties their clients are looking for. I suggest freelancers create a profile on the Contently’s site.

2. Canva

I used only to use Canva to resize images for my website but I finally realized that I too, could create professional-looking social media graphics and Pinterest Pins to add a visual learning component to my content sharing. This year I subscribed to the professional membership and haven’t looked back. When I get a few minutes here and there, I visit Canva’s blog and recommend it as one of the best blogs for freelance writers are looking for design inspiration and know-how. Whether you’re freelance graphic designer or want to play one on social media by using Canva, there are visual and business learnings to be discovered on the blog.

3. Seth Godin’s Blog

Any marketing professional worth her salt knows Seth Godin’s name. The bestselling author and marketing guru shares daily wisdom and comments on marketing trends. If you’re new to Godin’s content, check out his best of and top 100 posts. That’s why it’s no surprise his website is on this list of top blogs for freelance writers. I recommend subscribing to his email for daily “words of wisdom” in case you forget to make it over to the site for the latest blog. It’s an excellent resource as a blog website for freelance writers. Get my freelance monthly marketing plan to help you earn more money next year!

4. The Talent Fairy Powered by ED2010

Those of us who have been in the publishing industry for a few decades now remember this website (ed2010) where you could learn about the editorial site of publishing, meet other editorial interns and editorial assistants at events in NYC, and hear about new jobs through a sort of “whisper network.” I believe the Ed2010 concept was about those of us who aspired to be Editors-in-Chief by the year 2010.

Now this website is run by Chandra Turner, a former magazine editor who offers career advice and recruiting services. The blog includes advice from publishing industry pros who are still working in content and those who’ve pivoted. That’s just one of the reasons why I think it’s one of the best blogs for freelance writers, particularly those with journalism beginnings.

I think those of us who’ve worked in publishing in some capacity will get a lot out of the blog and this website for freelance writers and enjoy reading about what some of our favorite editors are doing now.

5. LinkedIn

You probably don’t think of the professional social media platform as a blog for freelance writers, but their professional blog “the LinkedIn Ads blog” has a lot of helpful information. Freelancers can dive into topics like “lead generation” or “social media marketing” as well as “trends” to discover some of the latest tips and tricks to apply to your LinkedIn strategy. It’s why it’s a top contender on my list of essential blogs for freelance writers. Follow me on LinkedIn for weekly freelance writing advice and articles and steal some of my best freelance writer LinkedIn tips here.

6. Freelancers’ Union

This blog for freelancers and freelance writers will shed light onto important business know-how (like tax tips for freelancers) as well as highlight different freelancers’ career paths. They pay freelancers to contribute to their blog for freelance writers—I even wrote one about how to use every spare 15-minute break to grow your freelance career. Their websites for freelance writers also have a ton of resources for freelancers. I always learn something new when I spend some time on their website for freelance writers.

7. Hubspot

Hubspot is a CRM software company that educates on inbound marketing. It also is a great hub (ha) on topics marketers, entrepreneurs, and freelancers need to learn more about—like sales, business, service, marketing, and website help. From suggestions on how to grow your TikTok following to improving networking skills to SEO questions to email marketing, it’s a great blog for freelancers to read. I

If you need to sharpen your freelance skills, Hubspot has a good blog for freelance writers but the website overall is an excellent source for freelancers–that’s why it made this list of best blogs for freelance writers in 2024. Don’t overlook these 9 types of freelance writers companies want to hire.

8. Mediabistro

I recommend Mediabistro’s articles as a resource if you’re looking for the best blogs for freelance writers because they’re written by experienced media professionals. There are also tons of tips if you’re interested in freelance writing for blogs and earning a living as a freelance blogger.

The articles on the website for freelance writers offer career advice, guides on how to “go freelance” as well as legal tips and contract advice which is why it’s on this list of best blogs for freelancers of 2024. They also have “how to pitch” guidelines on specific outlets if you’re willing to pay for a membership. Here’s your ultimate guide to learn how to get paid to write.

9. Copyblogger

This site will help you learn content marketing skills and improve content marketing writing. The blogs are written by experienced freelancers. Copyblogger was created by Brian Clark in 2006 and turned into an eight-figure media company. It’s one of the best blogs for freelance writers because it’s been called “the bible of content marketing” by some media outlets. There’s a ton of information to learn just by reading the blogs on this site.

10. The Write Life

If you’re serious about freelance writing for blogs, an essential blog for freelancers has a lot of content on their website about how to freelance, how to launch a blog, top marketing tips (particularly if you’re writing a book), as well as tips on how to improve your writing. After all, it’s so important to write good content and maximize creativity. That’s why The Write Life is one of my top blogs for freelancers to read to hone their craft. You might want to work on your freelance writer portfolio if you’re looking to find more work freelance writing for blogs.

11. Best Freelance Tips

This is one of the best blogs for freelance writers of 2024 in my humble opinion because…I launched it. Check out this freelance blog that covers various topics in freelancing, including the “what is content marketing writing?” and “how do I find my first writing job?” as well as “top questions freelancers should ask clients

12. Diana Kelly Levey’s Freelance Writing Tips Blog

Ha! You knew I was going to add my own blog to a list of best blogs for freelance writers, right? I’ve been writing this blog for over six years now and cover a plethora of topics relevant to freelancers and freelance writers. I’ve also done some interviews with experienced freelance writers and had guest posts from experts in different fields that can help freelance writers with their businesses.

Whether you need help overcoming procrastination, are looking to find freelance writing jobs for beginners, need help finding content marketing clients, or are wondering how to work from home with a baby, I’ve probably got you covered. I’ve found that I’ve been able to improve my freelance writing for blogs skills simply by writing for my website.

Search my freelance writing blog for questions you have and if I haven’t covered them, send me an email and I might be able to address it as a future blog topic.

Subscribe to my newsletter for freelancers to get free PDFs and resources, discounts to products and services, and never miss a blog post.

Other freelancers on my Twitter feed suggested these best blogs for freelance writers for 2024:




Which freelance writer blogs would you add to the list that you think are a top website for freelance writers?

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Work With Me

Diana can help with:

  • Writing content
  • Content marketing writing
  • Content strategy
  • Editing
  • Reporting
  • Magazine writing and editing
  • Website writing
  • e-Course copy and online learning writing
  • SEO writing and strategy
  • Branded content writing and editing
  • Thought leadership content
  • Copywriting
  • Whitepapers
  • SEO writing
  • Launching editorial websites
  • Audience development
  • Blogging
  • Ghostwriting
  • Social media strategy
  • Development of voice and tone
  • Book projects

Email Diana about opportunities: Diana(at)DianaKelly.com.