Diana Kelly Levey

How Much Can You Make on Fiverr Per Month

woman typing on laptop learning how to make money on fiverr

April 1, 2024

(This is a guest post from freelancer Hanna Mallette.)

I’ve been freelancing on fiverr for just over a year now and, in total, I’ve earned about $4,400.

Now, if you’re wondering how much can you make on fiverr per month and how much can you earn on fiverr a year, earning about $4,000 a year might not sound like much.

But, I don’t make my living this way. Fiverr is my freelance side hustle job.

And as someone with a full-time job, earning a few hundred extra per month helps tremendously.  Knowing how to make money on fiverr and find more freelance writing jobs has helped my financial bottom line.

What’s more, though, is that plenty of people do earn a living freelancing on fiverr. In fact, my inspiration for joining the platform was based on the story of writer Alexandra Fasulo, who earns well over six figures on fiverr annually.

Fasulo started selling on fiverr in 2016 as a result of quitting a job she hated, charging as little as $5 for blog posts. Fast forward to 2023, and she’s earned over $1 million from her fiverr gigs and even runs her own agency.  That’s just one example of someone who’s surpassed expectations others may have set about how much can you earn on fiverr.

 Here’s more tips on how to make money on fiverr.

How to Make Money on Fiverr Each Month

Fasulo’s is certainly a best-case scenario, as PriceEconomics.com revealed that between 96-97% of sellers total fiverr earnings are less than $500 a month and around 70% of sellers report fiverr earning numbers of between $0 and $99 each month.  

Though these statistics are bleak if you’re wondering how much can you earn on fiverr, the freelance platform allows for opportunities to work with clients all over the world and do an array of different projects.  

While I’m still trying to build my clientele and ascend the ranks on fiverr, just the idea that I could eventually support myself completely on this platform is enough to keep me going (regardless of what I’m bringing in each month).  

So, if you want to get started on fiverr, here are some pointers to get you started—even if you’re considering how to make money on fiverr without skills.

How to get started as a freelancer on fiverr

Getting started tips for how to earn on fiverr to find out how much can you earn on fiverr.

1. Show your face.

When creating your profile, first and foremost, provide a photo of yourself where you’re looking at the camera. It doesn’t have to be a professional headshot (though those work, too), but this will put a face to name and build trust with future clientele. Oh, and after you add a quality photo to your profile, you’ll need to add a clever tagline underneath it. 

2. Be honest about your skills.

This may go without saying, but to be very clear: Do not lie about your freelance skills. Especially if you’re a beginner who’s looking to earn great fiverr money.

“Fake it ‘til you make it,” may apply to other areas of life, but not here. If you take on a freelancer job you’re not actually able to complete, then you might end up with a bad rating that tanks your profile.  

3. Respond quickly.

Lastly, try to respond to buyer inquiries as soon as possible. It’s one of the key factors that will set you apart from other freelancers who also wonder how much can you earn on fiverr. That said, be sure to download the fiverr app to your phone so you can answer messages from anywhere.

If you take several hours to reply, this could end up affecting your seller status, and you could even be demoted.

4. Say goodbye or thank you.

One more tip: Always have the last word when messaging buyers. If the freelance client has the last word, fiverr will acknowledge this as you ignoring their response, which could also affect your status and ratings.

Finding your freelancer niche 

Whether you’re a writer, a designer, or content strategist (and so on), you can apply your skills in plenty of areas. Currently, their categories are: graphics and design; digital marketing; writing and translation; video and animation, music and audio; fiverr logo maker; programming and tech; data; business; lifestyle; photography; and end-to-end projects.

Then, there are more specific types of jobs under those categories. For example, one of my fiverr gigs is “I will write compelling email copy,” which I categorized as “writing and translation,” and more specifically, “email copy.” Offering this skill is one way I learned how to make money on fiverr.

So, before you set up your gigs, ask yourself, what can you provide? And what is your area of expertise? To reiterate, you don’t want to lie about your skills. You should only be committing to niches that you feel confident about.  

(BTW, should you look to earn freelance money on Upwork?)

Create an appealing fiverr profile 

Sellers will often lead with details about their experience, such as how many years they’ve been working, which companies they’ve worked for/with, and what university they attended.  

If you’re at all stumped on what else to add to your profile, check out Level 2, Top Rated, and Verified Pro profiles on fiverr. They know how to make money on fiverr and attract attention with their profiles. If you stumble upon a seller that has thousands of reviews and a five-star rating, that’s how you know they’re doing something right when it come to business and fiverr money.

You can also add projects to your profile’s “portfolio” section for potential buyers to view. Some add photos of past five-star reviews to this carousel as well.  

Craft fiverr gigs that sell 

According to an article from MillennialMoney.com, the top five bestselling gigs on fiverr in 2023 are: SEO content writing; cover letter and resume editing; proofreading; podcast writing; and product description writing. If your expertise isn’t one of these, don’t worry about it if you’re stressing about how much can you earn on fiverr. You can still create a lucrative gig outside of writing.  

First thing’s first—coming up with a clear, concise gig title. Since you have 80 characters to work with, you’ll need to keep it short and sweet. Another important detail is adding keywords that buyers will likely search for when they’re looking for a service like yours. (This may be a good time to consult Google Keyword Planner.) 

Next, you should always opt for the three-tier package. This is where you can tailor the price, what you’re offering, the delivery turnaround time, and—best of all—add-ons. With add-ons, you can offer things like additional words or extra-fast delivery and charge extra for it.  

For the fiverr gig description, I would recommend a short intro to the service you’re offering, followed by a bulleted list of what buyers can expect from your gig.  

You’ll also be asked to provide some freelance FAQs, which should be approached as inquiries about you that buyers might want to know (i.e., Q: Can I see some of your published work? A: Yes! My freelance writer portfolio is available upon request.).

You’ll then be able to add your own requirements, which can look like asking fiverr buyers to provide a content brief or examples of past work when they submit an order. 

The final step will be to add images to your gig gallery. The first image should be a(nother) photo of you, but with the service you provide within the image. (Tip: You can easily do this in Canva.) After that, you may want to add an image featuring the clientele you’ve already worked with. If you want to add a third, this would be a good place to place your writing sample, published or not.  

Once again, if you’re unsure of how to substantiate your gig, referencing fiverr Pros’ profiles can help as a guide when you’re thinking about how to make money from fiverr.  

Establish credibility as a fiverr freelancer

If you’re just starting out (regardless of years of experience), it’s best to have gig prices below $25. While such rates might be below your standard rate, you must prioritize attracting clients and racking up reviews first.  

Of course, when buyers see that other buyers have had positive experiences with you—and your services are cheap—this will put you on the fast track to landing jobs, earning promotions, and (eventually) raising your prices. 

If you’re still unsure how to price your gig tiers, check the prices of sellers that are the same level as you.  

Strategies to maximize earnings and make money on fiverr

  • Let’s circle back to add-ons. There are typically several options for add-ons per gig, so take advantage of them to collect some extra cash on your orders.  
  • Market your services on social media like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram.  
  • Offer bundled deals or subscriptions to keep clients coming back for more.  
  • Be kind to buyers even if they’re rude. (Get fiverr customer service involved if things escalate.) 
  • Keep all communication on fiverr. I’ve never not been paid by fiverr for a gig I’ve completed. If you take a job offline and end up getting scammed, fiverr won’t be able to help you. 
  • Even if you’re going on vacation, do not schedule unavailable dates. Pausing your gigs will reset your profile within the algorithm and as many buyers won’t see you. (I learned the hard way.) Instead, communicate to buyers the days you’ll be unavailable. 

How to earn money on fiverr

Just like any other freelance jobs platform, fiverr can’t guarantee you a certain amount of money per month. On the other hand, the sky is the limit.  

For those who have a considerable number of five-star reviews, these fiverr freelancers have ascended the fiverr levels to Top Rated Seller or Verified Pro, and have a stellar profile, they could easily make a comfortable living on fiverr gigs. (Alternatively, you can skip the promotion process and apply for Verified Pro status.) 

Regardless, you shouldn’t expect thousands of dollars in your first month anyway—establishing yourself on fiverr is very much a marathon rather than a sprint.  

And don’t forget: taking inspo from other sellers’ profiles is the best guide for optimizing your own profile’s performance to make fiverr money.  

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Work With Me

Diana can help with:

  • Writing content
  • Content marketing writing
  • Content strategy
  • Editing
  • Reporting
  • Magazine writing and editing
  • Website writing
  • e-Course copy and online learning writing
  • SEO writing and strategy
  • Branded content writing and editing
  • Thought leadership content
  • Copywriting
  • Whitepapers
  • SEO writing
  • Launching editorial websites
  • Audience development
  • Blogging
  • Ghostwriting
  • Social media strategy
  • Development of voice and tone
  • Book projects

Email Diana about opportunities: Diana(at)DianaKelly.com.