Diana Kelly Levey

The 5 Best Habits of Freelance Writers

habits of freelance writers woman working on laptop

February 8, 2024

While many freelancers tout special “secrets” that they attribute their success to, becoming a successful freelancer or a six-figure freelance writer isn’t that elusive.

Most likely, they owe their success to habits freelancers follow throughout the week to build a lucrative freelance business a career that can withstand trying times as a freelancer. (And before you start wondering is fiverr legit and should I look for work there when freelancing is slow.)

Here are some habits freelance writers should put into place to fill their pipeline with high-paying freelance clients, consistent freelance writing jobs, repeat work, referrals, and satisfied customers.

Find out why the best habits for freelance writers include productivity tips, creativity, mastering workflows, and building relationships, to name a few.

5 Best Habits for Freelance Writers and Freelancer Habits

Build on these behaviors for a freelance career with staying power while consistently earning over $100 an hour freelance writing for great clients.

1. Freelance habit: Create a schedule.

It’s super tempting to kiss schedules and calendars goodbye as a freelancer but you won’t have great success if you don’t have some kind of routine in place. Keep your schedule simple and focused.

Know which hours of the day you’re most creative and block those out so they don’t get filled with appointments and meetings. Understanding your own personal productivity rhythm is a great way to manage your time and keep stress under control.

It’s okay to work nights and weekends—you’ll likely be doing this if you’re starting a freelance side hustle while working a full-time job. But try to make sure you aren’t working around the clock as a freelancer.

Take advantage of the flexibility and freedom this lifestyle offers so you can escape the grind. Make time for creativity and fun.

2. Freelance habit: Master workflow and create systems.

Many freelancers find it beneficial to work on a set of tasks in one focused time block. This is also referred to as task batching. You might find it helpful to try this habit for freelance writers by:

  • Working on all of your social posts at once.
  • Sending all of your marketing pitches out a few times a week in work sprints.
  • Brainstorming a few ideas for one client.
  • Writing out a content calendar.
  • Outlining a draft for a client.

In order to maximize time as a freelancer, you’ll need to find ways to work through writer’s block, write when you don’t feel like it, avoid distractions, and learn how to focus on one task at a time.

Staying focused and not doing too much research for an article will also help you keep your freelance hourly rate in check when you’re getting paid a flat rate for an assignment.

(Here’s how I run a freelance business working fewer than 20 hours a week.)

3. Freelance habit: Make technology work for you.

I use time tracking tools as some of the best apps for writers and utilize the Pomodoro technique–working in 25-minute sprints. Time tracking is one of the best habits for freelance writers who need to know how much time they’re spending on each task and client project.

I’m also a believer that there are at least 4 ways freelancers can use AI to help their business. I like to use Canva for freelance writers to create social media designs for my freelance business and resize images, taking this blog post image for example and reworking it for an Instagram post, a carousel on LinkedIn, a Pinterest Pin, a Facebook image, and possible even an infographic.

Use scheduling platforms when batch writing your social posts and even for scheduling emails to go out to clients at various times. You might be a freelancer doing this on the side and writing article pitches at night. Use an email scheduling tool to send these out during business hours.

4. Freelance habit: Run your business.

Some think that freelance writing is a hobby. If you don’t care about making money as a freelance writer or earning a living doing this, that might be true. But this veteran freelance thinks you need to treat freelancing as a business. It’s one of the best habits for freelance writers who want to ensure they’re getting paid on time, every time. Here are some ways to do that:

  • Set work hours that family and friends can’t take advantage of.
  • Send out professional freelance invoices.
  • Set up a professional website or at least a professional social media presence, like on LinkedIn.
  • Know what it means to pay taxes for freelance writers. (Yes, you can write off quite a few expenses.)
  • Use a professional-looking email address with your name and/or business name and website. ([email protected] won’t cut it.)

When you take yourself seriously, others will, too.

5. Freelance Habit: Stay relevant and on top of trends.

It’s important for all freelancers to look at their businesses and evaluate where they made money. It’s a smart habit for freelance writers that will pay off dividends. Did the majority of your freelance income come from brand work? Was it a result of pitching editorial outlets and getting magazine assignments? Was it through a content marketing agency or referral work?

Everyone in business needs to stay on top of trends; and yes that includes AI for freelancers. But it can also mean looking into a new niche, like the most profitable niches of 2024. Or, you might need to add freelance skills to your experience and resume.

Let your freelance clients know that you’ve added new skills and can help them with additional content, editing, or copywriting services.

What are the best habits of freelance writers that you work on each week? Share in the comments.

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Work With Me

Diana can help with:

  • Writing content
  • Content marketing writing
  • Content strategy
  • Editing
  • Reporting
  • Magazine writing and editing
  • Website writing
  • e-Course copy and online learning writing
  • SEO writing and strategy
  • Branded content writing and editing
  • Thought leadership content
  • Copywriting
  • Whitepapers
  • SEO writing
  • Launching editorial websites
  • Audience development
  • Blogging
  • Ghostwriting
  • Social media strategy
  • Development of voice and tone
  • Book projects

Email Diana about opportunities: Diana(at)DianaKelly.com.